Development of Bergs Gård MTB arena

We are investing in the development of rural areas and we are very pleased that we have been granted project support from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.

The project consists of:

• Construction of a new hiking trail – a circular loop of about six kilometres adjacent to the Sörmlandsleden. (Completed in 2023)

• Two shelters – one at the new trail and one at the existing MTB/hiking trail (tHavsleden).

• Construction of two accessible MTB trails (flow trails) – one longer and one shorter.

• Three information signs/trail maps.

• Signage of MTB trails. (Completed in 2023)

• A service building (which is open to all) containing a bicycle wash, a repair workshop for guests, a RWC toilet and a shower.

The purpose of the project is to meet the increased demand for tourists by developing more trails, both hiking and biking trails, as well as the services around these trails to become an even better outdoor destination in Södermanland.

The goal of the project is for Bergs Gård to remain a strong player in the region for active outdoor recreation and for visitors to stay in the area by having more and more attractive activities.